Certification process
Please go through certification process in order to get live access.
Step 1 : Work Flow.
To ensure what API methods you are using, flow of method calls for these methods.
This will help us to verify the integration.
Step 2 : Test Cases Execution by client.
Here we are providing a list of test cases needs to be executed .
Request / response for these cases will be required for verification .
[Test 1] :
Room 1 – Adult 1 (1 night)
[Test 2] :
Room 1 – Adult 2, Child 2 (3 night)
[Test 3] :
Room 1 – Adult 1 | Room 2 – Adult 1 both (2 night)
[Test 4] :
Room 1 – Adult 1, Child 1 | Room 2 – Adult 1 (1 night)
Provide Logs As below
[Test 1] : Availability→CancellationPolicy→PreBook→Book
Step 3: Test Verification
Technical team will verify the test cases using Request / Response and
suggest if there is any change required.
Step 4: Client Portal verification
After completion of step 3, you have to provide test link of your integration website to verify
the integration flow.
Step 5: Sign off and Live access
On successful completion of all the above steps, we will give sign off and provide Live access